When the afternoon session is over the School is in no way responsible for the safety of the children. Parents are requested to take care of their children.
Parents are permitted to feed their children during lunch hour.
Generally on all Sundays, Second Saturdays and authorized Holidays, the School will remain closed. For Primary classes, the school will work only in the fore noon Session on all Saturdays.
Tamil Nadu Matriculation Syllabus is followed upto X std., and Tamil Nadu State Board of Higher Secondary syllabus is followed in XI and XII Std., The schools have excellent infrastructure and aim to provide a sound and all-round education.
All students must come in full uniform, Black Shoes and Brown Socks with Cream stripes are common to all.
ID Card will be supplied by the School
Normally 80 % attendance is expected, Children who put up less than 75 % attendance will not be promoted to the next class under any circumstances. No child should take leave without prior permission in writing. The leave letter should be sent sufficiently in advance at least a day before the leave is availed.
Leave will be granted only on genuine grounds. Names of those who are absent themselves continuously without permission for more than 7 days will be struck off the rolls and the students will be re-admitted only after the payment of re-admission fee.
Code of Conduct
It is compulsory for all students to attend the General Assembly in the morning at 9.15 a.m. Students should arrive at school before the 1st bell rings. Students arriving habitually late will be sent home.
Late comers must bring an application from their parents/guardians otherwise they will be sent home. No child shall leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal or Teacher in-charge and a gate-pass.
Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch, spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw any thing on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Students who are negligent will be charged for the damage.
No parent is permitted to enter the classrooms. Parents are not allowed to meet teachers during school hours without prior appointment from the Principal.
Students suffering from any infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. This should be indicated on the medical certificate duly signed by a competent doctor.
All students are expected to speak only in English at school and we request the parents to encourage the students to do so at home as well.
All students shall bring the school diary to school every day. Parents are expected to check the diary daily and sign wherever required.
No valuable articles and gold jewellery to be worn by the children. School is not responsible for goods, money or jewellery lost.
Parents should not argue with the teachers/ other students or the conductor/driver present in the conveyance. If there is any problem, a written complaint to the Principal or Administrative office should be given.
Boys MUST have a short hair cut always. Long hair will NOT be permitted at school.
Girls with long hair must have their hair in two plaits with Black Satin Ribbons.
It is COMPULSORY for all students to be in PROPER SCHOOL UNIFORM and only SCHOOL SOCKS and BLACK Shoes.
Students who are not in proper School Uniform, Shoes and Socks will be sent home.
Parents are requested to send students in perfect uniform always.
The ward of those parents who avoid meeting the authorities, when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the classes.
Parents should not try to contact the Principal or teachers over the phone, at home until it is a very urgent issue. Parents can meet the Principal and teachers during the ‘Visiting Hours’ at school with prior appointment.
Swami Vivekananda
Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached.