General Rules Regarding Behaviour

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    Children are expected to take care of their books and personal belongings. Text Books and Note Books required for the day studies only should be brought by the children every day.

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    Any damage to school property such as Model pictures, furniture, playthings, etc., must be made good by the offenders on their own cost.
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    No child shall leave the school premises during school hours or recess without previous permission of the Head Mistress / Principal.
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    In case of children in whose house an infectious or contagious disease is prevalent, the parent is required to inform the fact to the school authorities and apply for leave of absence for the child for the duration of the disease.
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    Every pupil should preserve the calendar and bring it to school every day.
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    The children should speak only English in the School premises in order to acquire greater facility in the study of the language.

Note to Parents

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    Parents / Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity, discipline and see that their children prepare their lessons and take an active and helpful interest in the day to day activities of the school.

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    Parents / Guardians are also requested to sign all the reports and instructions sent through children as proof that they have read them.
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    Parents / Guardians are not allowed to see the children and to interview the class teachers during working hours without prior permission of the Principal.
    Complaints if any, should be made to the Principal, not to the Class Teachers.
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    Parents or Guardians are welcome to school to meet the Principal / Secretary with due intimation during office hours.
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    Parents are requested NOT to disturb the children and take them home during the session.
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    Parents are requested not to send their children with jewels on them. The School will not take any responsibility for loss of articles, money etc., if brought by the children.
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    Parents are requested to sign the Calendar and see that their children do the homework every day.
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    Children should come to school in time. Severe punishment will be given to those children who come late.
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    Special care will be taken to maintain and improve their academic performance and class teachers will conduct special classes for the weak students. Special tuitions are also conducted. These boys will be divided into small groups and teachers will be entrusted to supervise their studies.
Swami Vivekananda Education
Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached.
Contact Info
  • No 197, Anna Salai, Arcot Ho, Arcot – 632503
  • 04172-235477
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ADMISSIONS OPEN (2022 - 2023)
